• Cozy.     Rosy 每日积累?❤️Day 5

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    第五天啦 加油读书人!

    要脚踏实地 要行动~🎬


    1.academic plagiarism 学术剽窃

    (Academic plagiarism has been widely reported and the true scale of it is alarming and even beyond our imagination.学术剽窃的报道屡见不鲜,其严重程度令人吃惊,甚至超乎大家的想象。)

    2.the tip of the iceberg 冰山一角

    (Jude Carroll, a plagiarism expert,says that the cases we hear about are probably just the tip of the iceberg.研究学术剽窃的专家Jude Carroll表示,大家有所耳闻是案例很可能只是冰山一角。)

    3.conspicuous 显著的

    (Academic plagiarism, or intellectual stealing, may appear in various forms,from more conspicuous stealing of others' work without acknowledgement to less obvious self-plagiarism where the same work is sent to different journals.)

    4. perish 毁灭,使麻木

    5.lecture materials 讲义

    6.violation 违反,侵害

    7.plagiaristic 抄袭的

    8.eradicate 根除,消灭

    (While presenting academic plagiarism and lecture materials online provides evidence for tracking violations, it is no simple task to eradicate plagiaristic copying which to a large extent results from today's "punish or perish" environment.)

    9.contain 控制

    (I personally believe that academic plagiarism should be effectively contained.

    10.self-evident 不言而喻的

    (It is self-evident that no reputation is immune to stealing, in particular when it comes to academic stealing.)

    11.credibility 可信性,确定性

    (The direct impact of plagiarism is on the individual involved, since this person has so lost his or her credibility that his or her career may be ruined.)

    12.hinder 阻碍

    (Another reason why I am strongly opposed to academic plagiarism is that it is bound to hinder social advancement.)

    13.chariot 二轮战车

    14.stifle 扼杀

    (It is well acknowledged that social progress is spurred by academic innovation, while plagiarism, at its best physical work,stifles innovation and creativity of the academia,thereby pulling back the chariot of social development.)

    15.crack down on 镇压,制裁

    (Given its negative consequences,more resources should be devoted to effectively cracking down on academic plagiarism before it runs wild.)

    !!背完啦 我发现 还是背作文收获比较多

    感觉句子都好长好难 但是咬咬牙啃下来了




    If you're going to do something, be the best.





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