• 魔方stella     TED/如何体面的离职

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    When you're fed up with your job, it can be tempting to do something big and dramatic. To yell, "I quit!" during a meeting and peace out. But quitting well can actually be an opportunity for growth.

    Quitting well is important, clearly, because it impacts many of us at some point in our career and because there are some bridges you just don't want to burn. Every industry is its own small world, and word can travel fast. 

    Quitting well is also important for you. It's a time where you can practice caring for yourself and really clarify what you want and need when it comes to your future work life. 

    First, I want you to find courage in leaving your job. That requires some reflecting. The people I work with rarely go through the job search process because they want more money. There's almost always a deeper reason why they're moving on. 

    I want you to be able to identify exactly what that is. What task(s) and experiences did you enjoy, and which of your skills and strengths felt underutilized? 

    What would make for a better fit in a work environment? By pinning down those deeper issues, you can come back to them any time you feel unsure or scared.

    Once you've asked those big questions, make a checklist for what you want in your next role. Now prioritize your list. 
    Maybe you feel drawn to work for a mission-driven company but don't care as much about its size. Maybe you’re interested in a particular benefit, such as equity, and would be willing to rank salary a little lower.

    And once you have it in mind, I want you to set some goals, but not outcome-based ones like, find a new job in three months or get a position in a major tech company. 

    Instead, I want you to set process-based goals. A great goal could be, "Every week, I want to reach out to someone new in my industry or network" or “Every day for the next 90 days, I want to dedicate 45 minutes to my job search." 

    Second, I want you to have confidence in leaving your job. If you're leaving before having another job lined up, start by doing a financial checkup so you know how much it costs you to live each month. 

    Total up all your non-negotiable expenses to get that baseline figure and try to have three to six months in savings so you have a safety net and can handle emergencies. 

    If you're in a country like the United States, where health insurance is often tied to your job, look into all of your options and get clear on what kind of plan will be best for you. 

    And while you're at it, comb through the nitty-gritty of your package. Essentially, this step is all about getting a holistic view of what your new financial reality will be, so there are no surprises.

    When you give notice, make sure to give the right amount of time. Two weeks is customary in most places, but it may depend on your role and any new projects. 

    Talk to your manager about how you can close things up on a good note and consider putting together a transition memo with the details on all of your responsibilities so others can step in and take them over. (第二和第三个片段分别都重复了上一个片段的一段话)

    As you're getting ready to leave, think about strengthening relationships. Invite those people you're close to for lunch or coffee, get their personal contact information, and lay the groundwork to stay in touch.

    Reach out to those senior leaders you’ve always wanted to connect with. Ask them if they have a few minutes to chat, because these relationships and connections can be so powerful to carry forward.

    If you have the resources, I also invite you to consider taking a career break. it puts you in an active position rather than limiting your options to what's available right now.

    So instead of jumping right into looking for a job, start sharing what you're looking for with your network. It's much more likely that your next step will come through your network than through applications. 

    Don't worry about specific titles or specific companies. Just give them the vision of what you're looking to do and what your priorities are. Give them the broad target rather than limiting it to a tiny bullseye.

    Perhaps they recommend you for a role at their company, giving you a much better chance at landing an interview. Or maybe they mention you to someone else who can open doors for you.

    If this feels icky, and it often does when it comes to networking, remember: it’s a two-way street. You can help them achieve their goals, too. 

    The bottom line is that leaving a job, it's a chance to get to know yourself better. It has the power to shake up the status quo and help you see those things that might not be so obvious. 

    1970-01-01   4赞       0踩       496浏览 评论(0)


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