• __面瘫马     “ Depression ” 抑郁症

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《战胜负能量》


    所谓抑郁症, 又称抑郁障碍,以显著而持久的心境低落为主要临床特征,是心境障碍的主要类型。临床可见心境低落与其处境不相称,情绪的消沉可以从闷闷不乐到悲痛欲绝,自卑抑郁,甚至悲观厌世,可有自杀企图或行为;甚至发生木僵;部分病例有明显的焦虑和运动性激越;严重者可出现幻觉、妄想等精神病性症状。每次发作持续至少2周以上、长者甚或数年,多数病例有反复发作的倾向,每次发作大多数可以缓解,部分可有残留症状或转为慢性。




    In the life of only I see, who I am, who I really am, is someone who struggles intensely with depression.

    Real depression isn't being sad when something in your life goes wrong.
    Real depression is being sad when everything in your life is going right.
    That's the real depression, and that's what I suffer from. And to be totally honest, that's hard for me to stand up here and say, it's hard for me to talk about it, and it seems to be hard for every onr to talk about it. And there's no one's talking about depression, but we need to be, because right now it's a massive problem.

    Because we don't see it, we don't see the severity of it. But the severity of it and the seriousness of it is this: Every 30 seconds, every 30 seconds, somewhere, someone in the world takes their own life, because of depression and it might be two blocks away it might be two countries away, but it's happening, and it is happening every single day.

    For a long time, I think, I was living two totally different lives, where one person was always afraid of the other. I was afraid that people would see me for who I really was, that I wasn't the perfect, popular kid in high school everyone thought I was, that beneath my smile, there was struggle, and beneath my light, there was dark, and beneath my big personality just hid even bigger pain. See, some people might fear girls not liking them back. Some people might fear shark. Some people might fear death. But for me, for a large part of my life, I feared myself. I feared my truth, I feared my honesty, I feared my vulnerability(易受伤害), and that fear made me feel like I was forced into a corner, like I was forced into a corner and there was only one way out, and so I thought about it that way every single day.

    Kevin Breel: 一个抑郁喜剧演员的自白 #TED : http://on.ted.com/q0g64


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