• 黑择明     翻译纠正&超细讲解

    • It's been clinically proven that regular exercise can be used as effective for treating mild to moderate depression as antidepressants.

    • 根据科学研究,运动也对排解轻度的抑郁很有帮助。

    • from:《战胜负能量》

    1.在有道上找到一个例句:Today in Europe, it is used extensively to treat mild to moderate depression.
    由此看,此处to不是不定式,moderate不是动词“缓解”,to是介词,moderate是形容词,是“中等的”意思。而mild to moderate depression是“轻到中度抑郁”。

    2. as effective…as antidepressants就是常见的as...as结构,但中间插入了for treating mild to moderate depression就让人有点看不明。可以这样调整语序as effective as antidepressants for treating mild to moderate depression.

    3. 这句话的断句和重读参考:

    1970-01-01   1赞       0踩       152浏览 评论(0)
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