• Fengita     注解四:給 高中生

    • Oh!

    • 哦!

    • from:《鬼妈妈》


    除了 👆 说的外,今天非常感谢不善言辞的大叔(主任)的指导! 😘😘 真的算是"听君一席话,胜读十年书",谢谢!喜欢英语并有强烈愿望想学好的小伙伴们,在这里,我想来分享几点今日所获:
    1.Keep hunger.
    时时保持好奇,处处留心积累 🐇

    阅读不只是纸质,应是听看读全面吸收。点出别听慢速VOA,而应去强迫自己听常速。习惯语调,语速。有input才有output,否则没料。你拿什么拯救你的搭讪? 😂

    3.There is no end for learning.


    附女神 👰🏻图一张

    🐻 Song
    Let's Start From Here
    Joanna Wang


    Giving up, why should I
    we've come to far to forget
    we're beautiful, we just got lost
    somewhere along the way
    so much was missing when you went away

    Let's start from here, lose the past
    change our minds, we don't need a finish line
    let's take this chance not think too deep
    of all those promises we couldn't seem to keep
    I don't care where we go
    Let's start from here

    standing here face to face
    a finger on your lips
    don't say a word don't make a sound
    silence surrounds us now
    even when you were gone I felt you everywhere

    Let's start from here, lose the past
    change our minds, we don't need a finish line
    let's take this chance not think too deep
    of all those promises we couldn't seem to keep
    I don't care where we go
    Let's start from here
    Let's start from here

    I've never been the one to open up
    but you've always been the voive within
    the only warmth from my cold heart

    Let's start from here, lose the past
    change our minds, we don't need a finish line
    let's take this chance not think too deep
    of all those promises
    Let's start from here, lose the past
    change our minds
    we don't need a finish line
    let's take this chance not think too deep
    of all those promises we couldn't seem to keep
    I don't care where we go
    Let's start from here
    Let's start from here
    Let's start from here
    Let's start from here

    🐻🐻 南亚整理

    🐻🐻🐻 作文素材

    备考的buddies,有什么其他需要尽管私我哦 😁
    (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ 加油 💜
    (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ 相信自己 💜


    1970-01-01   20赞       0踩       267浏览 评论(40)
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