• 大光圈     Rising Steadily 扶摇直上奔黄泉

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    今天看到个有意思的,然后查了字典“翻译”了一下。 好东西不敢独享,分享出来,如有不妥,请大神们指正~

    Q: If you suddenly began rising steadily at one foot per second, how exactly would you die? Would you freeze or suffocate first? Or something else?
    如果你突然开始保持每秒一英尺的速度上升(嫦娥奔月……)…然后会怎样死去呢? 先被冻死还是首先缺氧窒息?或者会有别的死法?

    A: Did you bring a coat?
    A foot per second isn't that fast—it's substantially slower than a typical elevator.It would take you 5-7 seconds to rise out of arms' reach, depending how tall your friends are.

    亲,你带外套了么?(冻死你丫的)每秒钟一英尺,这速度并不是那么快,这个速度比起普通的电梯要慢许多. 你要花上5到7秒的时间才能逃离你男朋友们的手掌心。姚明的话你得再等等,郭敬明的话…………
    After 30 seconds, you'd be 30 feet—9 meters—off the ground. Judging from What-If #44, this is getting close to your last chance for a friend to throw you a sandwich or water bottle or something.
    After 10 minutes you would be above all but the tallest skyscrapers, and after 25 minutes you'd pass the spire of the Empire State Building.

    The air at these heights is about 3% thinner than it is at the surface. Fortunately, your body handles air pressure changes like that all the time. Your ears may pop, but you wouldn't really notice anything else.
    这个高度的空气要比地表稀薄……3/100,这对你的身体来说根本不是事儿~ 除了可能会有些耳鸣
    Air pressure changes quickly with height. Surprisingly, when you're standing on the ground, air pressure is even measurably lower at your head than at your feet. If your phone has a barometer in it, as a lot of new Android phones do, you can download an app and actually see the pressure difference between your head and your feet.
    A foot per second is pretty close to a kilometer per hour, so after an hour, you'll be about a kilometer off the ground. At this point, you definitely start to get chilly. If you have a coat, you'll still be ok, though you might also notice the wind picking up.
    大气压强随着高度变化而迅速变化,掏出你的手机下载个气压计app吧(小米手机自带)~ 你会发现你小脚丫和大脑袋所处的气压都不同……(难怪小四看起来比姚明大哥要机灵几分~)
    At about two hours and two kilometers, the temperature would drop below freezing. The wind would also, most likely, be picking up. If you have any exposed skin, this is where frostbite starts to become a concern.

    Over the next two hours, the air would drop to below-zero,Not Kelvin, though. temperatures. Assuming for a moment that you survived the oxygen deprivation, at some point you'd freeze to death. But when?
    接下来的两个小时,温度会下降到零度以下,如果你命大没有因为缺氧而交出一血,在接下来的某个时刻,你会被冻死~ 啥时候呢可是?
    the main factor in the cause of death would be your clothes. If you were nude, you'd probably succumb to hypothermia somewhere around the five hour mark, before your oxygen ran out.If you were bundled up, you may be frostbitten, but you would probably survive...
    ... long enough to reach the Death Zone.

    这就要取决你你穿的是黑丝袜还是厚棉裤了,如果你仅存的丝袜也脱了的话,五个小时的“飞升时间”就是你的大限…… 要是你身着奶奶亲手织的保暖裤的话,也许只是冻伤不致身亡……
    Above 8,000 meters—above the tops of all but the highest mountains—the oxygen content in the air is too low to support human life. Near this zone, you would experience a range of symptoms, possibly including confusion, dizziness, clumsiness, impaired vision, and nausea.
    As you approach the Death Zone, your blood oxygen content would plummet. Your veins are supposed to bring low-oxygen blood back to your lungs to be refilled with oxygen. But in the Death Zone, there's so little oxygen in the air that your veins lose oxygen to the air instead of gaining it.
    The result would be a rapid loss of consciousness and death. This would happen around the seven hour mark; the chances are very slim that you would make it to eight.
    She died as she lived—rising at a foot per second. I mean, as she lived for the last few hours.
    And two million years later, your frozen body, still moving along steadily at a foot per second, would pass through the heliopause into interstellar space—the same boundary that Voyager just crossed.[11]Again.
    Clyde Tombaugh, the astronomer who discovered Pluto, died in 1997. A portion of his remains were placed on New Horizons spacecraft, which will fly past Pluto and then continue out of the Solar System.
    It's true that your hypothetical foot-per-second trip would be cold, unpleasant, and rapidly fatal. But when the Sun becomes a red giant in four billion years and consumes the Earth, you and Clyde would be the only ones to escape.
    So there's that.
    So long, suckers!
    在你飞向这生命终点的途中,你的血液含氧量将会暴跌。原本静脉要把低含氧量的血液运回肺部吸收氧气,可是,在这里,空气含氧量太少,你的筋脉不但得不到氧气,反而把仅存的一点也释放了。失去知觉然后死亡… 没被冻死的你将在旅程七小时左右到达生命终点。也许贝爷能再扛一个小时~

    1970-01-01   13赞       0踩       999浏览 评论(6)
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