• 悬衣老大爷     读诗。Because I Could Not Stop for Death

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    Because I could not stop for Death, 因我不能停候死神
    He kindly stopped for me; 死神好意地停候我
    The carriage held but just ourselves馬車僅乘載祂與我
    And Immortality. 外加上永生

    We slowly drove, he knew no haste, 馬車緩緩地而行
    And I had put away死神知悉不趕忙
    My labor, and my leisure too, 只因祂殷勤好禮
    For his civility. 吾將作息置一旁

    We passed the school, where children strove 我們經過了學校
    At recess, in the ring; 學童下課操場奔
    We passed the fields of gazing grain, 我們經過佇立的稻田
    We passed the setting sun. 我們經過落日

    Or rather, he passed us; 寧說落日經過我們
    The dews drew quivering and chill, 露水帶來了寒意
    For only gossamer my gown, 只因吾衣服單薄
    My tippet only tulle. 圍巾只是柔絲綢

    We paused before a house that seemed我們停於一屋前
    A swelling of the ground; 猶如凸起之地面
    The roof was scarcely visible, 屋頂幾乎看不見
    The cornice in the ground. 隱藏於地下飛檐

    Since then ’tis centuries, and yet自該程後已數百年
    Feels shorter than the day感覺不比當日長久
    I first surmised the horses’ heads當初推測馬車頭
    Were toward eternity. 朝永恆方向邁進


    For the one I love who is dying.

    1970-01-01   8赞       1踩       2073浏览 评论(26)
男 资深配角lv34


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