• 宸轩Rosa     Scorpius 歌曲推送:week12 Paris

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》




    Paris - The Chainsmokers 
          We were staying in Paris 
          To get away from your parents 
          And I thought 
          Wow if I could take this in a shot right now 
          I don't think that we could work this out 
          Out on the terrace 
          I don't know if it's fair 
          But I thought how could I let you fall by yourself 
          While I'm wasted with someone else 
          If we go down then we go down together 
          如果被家人发现 我愿和你继续奔波辗转
          They'll say you could do anything 
          They'll say that I was clever 
          If we go down then we go down together 
          如果被家人发现 我愿和你继续奔波辗转
          We'll get away with everything 
          我们总能够搞定一切 化险为夷 
          Let's show them we are better 
          就让他们看看 我们过得多好 
          Let's show them we are better 
          就让他们看看 我们过得多好 
          Let's show them we are better 
          就让他们看看 我们过得多好 
          We were staying in Paris 
          To get away from your parents 
          You look so proud 
          Standing there with a frown and a cigarette 
          点上一支雪茄 皱着眉优雅地站着 
          Posting pictures of yourself on the internet 
          Out on the terrace 
          We breathe in the air of this small town
          On our own cuttin' class for the thrill of it 
          Getting drunk on the past we were livin' in 
          If we go down then we go down together 
          如果被家人发现 我愿和你继续奔波辗转
          They'll say you could do anything 
          They'll say that I was clever 
          If we go down then we go down together 
          如果被家人发现 我愿和你继续奔波辗转
          We'll get away with everything 
          我们总能够搞定一切 化险为夷 
          Let's show them we are better 
          就让他们看看 我们过得多好 
          Let's show them we are 
          就让他们看看 我们过得 
          Let's show them we are 
          就让他们看看 我们过得 
          Let's show them we are 
          就让他们看看 我们过得 
          Let's show them we are 
          就让他们看看 我们过得 
          Let's show them we are better 
          就让他们看看 我们过得多好 
          We were staying in Paris 
          Let's show them we are better 
          就让他们看看 我们过得多好 
          Let's show them we are 
          就让他们看看 我们过得 
          Let's show them we are 
          就让他们看看 我们过得 
          Let's show them we are 
          就让他们看看 我们过得 
          Let's show them we are 
          就让他们看看 我们过得 
          Let's show them we are better 
          就让他们看看 我们过得多好 
          If we go down then we go down together 
          如果被家人发现 我愿和你继续奔波辗转
          They'll say you could do anything 
          They'll say that I was clever 
          If we go down then we go down together 
          如果被家人发现 我愿和你继续奔波辗转
          We'll get away with everything 
          我们总能够搞定一切 化险为夷 
          Let's show them we are better 
          就让他们看看 我们过得多好 
          We were staying in Paris 
          If we go down 
          We were staying in Paris 
          If we go down 
          We were staying in Paris 
          If we go down 
          We were staying in Paris 
          If we go down 
          Let's show them we are better 
          就让他们看看 我们过得多好 
          We were staying in Paris 
          Let's show them we are better 
          就让他们看看 我们过得多好 
          Let's show them we are better 
          就让他们看看 我们过得多好 
          If we go down 
          Let's show them we are better 
          就让他们看看 我们过得多好 
          If we go down 
          Let's show them we are better 
          就让他们看看 我们过得多好 
          If we go down 
          Let's show them we are better 
          就让他们看看 我们过得多好 
          Let's show them we are better 
          就让他们看看 我们过得多好
    词解: 这首歌很好的一点在于它的活力。歌词放荡不羁【x】,洋溢着“少年人有大志闯天下”的感觉。这首歌讲述的大概是一对逃婚x情侣跑去巴黎搞事情x的故事。整首歌的歌词不停地说“Let's show that we are better”。我觉得如果能为了一个人改变,变成一个更好的人,很值得。或者向世界证明“我很好,我会变得更好”,这件事也很不错。心里有ta,就要为ta而改变,且夫少年清狂,又有何不可为?有何不可不为?人生啊,就是要去浪,去变,敢于去享受青春,才是最好的。你说呢?其实去浪并不是说你要放弃学习,干脆去玩。嗯,也不是说你要完全去搞事情,特立独行。我这里解释的“浪”是说要通过“浪”来走天下,去变得更好。当然,你不能为了“浪”而去伤害自己和周围的人。我的意思就是不拘泥于小节,就像贾宝玉那样,如果厌恶封建主义的制度,就勇敢的喜爱自己喜爱的东西,也可以像高觉民那样去追求自己觉得正确的东西。最主要的是要放开自己,让自己变得更好,而不是伤害自己。明白吗?

    下期预告: We Can't Stop 也是很开心的一首歌哦!

    1970-01-01   27赞       1踩       2716浏览 评论(18)
女 戏骨lv64


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