• Vivi-90     How to get rid of procrastination#懂点英语演讲#

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    "God, it's five minutes away from work. I can't play the mobile game anymore. I have to finish my work today." "Well, it's early in the morning and it's too late to go to sleep again." Do you have the same


    experiences in your life? This is procrastination!Procrastination has many hazards, the main one is self-denial. So how to get rid of this obsession?
    First, to set a time to yourself, and to carry out strictly, such as reciting English words for an hour, don't excitedly to recite for three hours, it will be weaken the next time to complete the task of interest; Second, don't give yourself an excuse. When you give the excuse for a few seconds ,you should decide whether it is an internal rejection?or be lazy?or you really feel very tired; Third, give yourself a little reward. When you set a deadline, remember,give yourself a reward , just like shopping, watching a movie, etc.

    Ok,I think,do it and just do it now ,We can refuse to procrastinate!
    Thank you.

    1970-01-01   21赞       2踩       3182浏览 评论(5)


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